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Proud to be a certified HIMSA partner. 

Noah is developed by HIMSA – The Hearing Instrument Manufacturers’ Software Association – and has become a de facto standard for audiology software.

Lays the grounds for system integrations

The Noah software system is designed specifically for the hearing care industry, serving more than 34.000 units across the world. At the core, Noah provides hearing care professionals with a system for performing client-related tasks.

Over 120 audiology companies support Noah’s “integration framework” and create more advanced and flexible fitting, measurement and clinic management tools as certified HIMSA members.

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Get a practice management software that seamlessly integrates with NOAH data

Bridge is a cloud-based NOAH integrator in Auditdata Manage, which grants HCP's the ability to store client and audiological data online and access these remotely. Unlike other systems, where data is stored on local PCs, Bridge enables you to provide care and access measurement and fitting software, no matter if you are online or offline.

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Complete integration with Noah

We can provide you with a Noah license.

As a HIMSA member, we are licensed to sell Noah and with our many years of experience, we are uniquely qualified to support the Noah software.