What is The Weber Test Method? 

The Weber Test utilizes a tuning fork to help differentiate between conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, and normal hearing. It is a quick and easy way to evaluate the nature of a patient’s loss and bolster the results of pure tone audiometry. It is not a substitute for performing additional audiological assessments. 

The Weber Test utilizes sound lateralization to establish: 
If an individual has normal hearing or if hearing loss is symmetrical between the ears. 
If an individual has a unilateral loss, if the loss is conductive or sensorineural in nature. 

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Experience our New Audiometer & Fitting Unit

Our sleek and stackable audiometer and fitting unit seamlessly integrates into any clinic decor, optimizing space while maintaining a modern aesthetic. With advanced features like portability and precise diagnostic capabilities, our audiometer revolutionizes testing and increases efficiency and accuracy.

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How to Perform the Weber Test?

The Weber test can be performed using a 512 Hz tuning fork or through the Measure audiometer. 

When utilizing a tuning fork, it should be held by the stem and the side of the tuning fork should be struck approximately two-thirds of the way along the tine. The footplate should then be placed on the midline of the client's forehead. The clinician will then instruct the patient to report where the sound is heard.  

In individuals with normal hearing or symmetrical losses, the sound will be heard at midline or equally on both sides. In individuals with unilateral sensorineural losses, the sound will be heard on the side of the better ear. In individuals with unilateral conductive losses, the sound will be heard on the side of the poorer ear – this is due to the occlusion effect. The occlusion effect is a phenomenon that occurs when the ear canal is occluded. Normally, sound dissipates out of the ear canal, but when an occlusion is present, this dissipation does not occur and thus sound is louder. 

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Experience the perfect synergy of cutting-edge hardware and software solutions. Elevate patient care, streamline workflows, and achieve outstanding results. Discover how our innovative solutions can revolutionize your audiology practice and generate leads for your business. Take the first step towards unlocking your practice's full potential by contacting us now.

Elevate The Weber Test with Our Specialized Software

Streamline the Weber Method tests and elevate patient care with our intuitive and configurable software. Designed for efficiency and flexibility, our platform fits any clinic's needs and budget.

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Welcome to Our E-Learning Course on Advanced Audiometry in the Measure Software

We are delighted to present this comprehensive e-learning course aimed at providing an in-depth understanding of the additional assessments available in the audiometry module within Measure, including the SISI, TEN, Weber, and Stenger tests.

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Transform Your Audiology Practice Today!

Experience the perfect synergy of cutting-edge hardware and software solutions. Elevate patient care, streamline workflows, and achieve outstanding results. Discover how our innovative solutions can revolutionize your audiology practice and generate leads for your business. Take the first step towards unlocking your practice's full potential by contacting us now.