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The Data-driven Customer Journey in Hearing Care

The Retail Guide 2.0 for Hearing Care is focused on how to improve the customer journey end-to-end by gathering and activating data in every step of the journey. Using this data will enable you to realize the full potential and get the most out of your existing resources; staff, marketing spends, clinics, equipment and much more.

This guide is relevant for: 
⭑ Private practice owners
⭑ CEO/Operations Manager of retail chains
⭑ Chief Audiologist

Retail Guide 2.0 (2)

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Our Retail Guide is definitely for you.  From your answers, it’s clear that our guide would help you increase your walk-in traffic, convert more prospects into clients, and retain those for life. Why not start straight away? Sign up today and start executing new activities to boost your business.

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Inside You'll Find: 

  • How to setup efficient omnichannel marketing
  • Get inspiration to optimizing appointment booking
  • How to use notifications and reminders to increase show-up rates
  • Understanding your customers problems to deliver customized service 
  • Set up remote care and follow-ups
  • Define your onboarding strategy to decrease return rates 
  • Understanding the benefits of a Practice Management Software to improve quality
  • More about Database Management, relevance and customer referrals

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More About This Guide:

Last year, Auditdata released the first retail guide for audiology. It was downloaded over 1000 times, so well received and gained tremendous interest. While the original retail guide discussed the changing market, experiences within other industries and, finally, what retail audiology could learn from it, we felt that it was time for an updated retail guide 2.0.

In this edition, we investigate essential areas to focus on, dive deeper into strategies for conversion and what metrics you should be measuring, and assist hearing care professionals. Since last year, we have also launched a line of guides deep-diving into relevant elements of running an audiology clinic. We will link to these throughout the document.

To help you get started, we have compiled the following guide as a handbook for audiology professionals navigating the current landscape. This book will cover the below topics:

  • Chapter 1. Attracting new customers and make sure they show-up
  • Chapter 2. Creating a strategy for the in-person experience to ensure conversion
  • Chapter 3. Onboarding of new hearing aid users to reduce return rates
  • Chapter 4. Nurturing prospects and driving customer loyalty