Customer case

Hoorcentrum Aerts delivers high-quality care with clinical workflows

Hoorcentrum Aerts is a hearing care chain with more than 25 clinics across Belgium, they prioritize high quality and exceptional service. To provide their customers with best-in-class hearing care and solutions, their audiologists receive ongoing training on the latest tools and technologies. Hoorcentrum Aerts offers the most innovative equipment to provide optimal solutions for every customer. Using verification technology and automated clinical workflows, they adjust the hearing aids precisely for superior results and a better customer experience. To understand how Hooercentrum Aerts is using Measure Software, we have interviewed Lore Heylen.

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"We use a clinical process or workflow to give the best quality to every client that comes in, and to ensure the same high quality across all clinics and employees. No matter which hearing center a customer visits, they will start at the same point, go through the same journey, and will end up with the best possible hearing solutions to meet their specific needs."

Lore Heylen

Lore Heylen

Audiologist and Quality Manager

A better, more streamlined workflow

Hoorcentrum Aerts used to have their clinical workflows outlined on paper and trained to all audiologists. This manual system worked for the most part, but had some flaws. For instance, they couldn’t centralize and simplify scheduling, or instantly access secure patient records from any office across their network. Likewise, when using paper systems, they didn’t have a way to update processes and instantly communicate these changes to all staff, nor to track performance.

As part of a commercial excellence initiative – and their commitment to providing extraordinary customer experiences – Hoorcentrum Aerts upgraded to Auditdata’s Measure Hardware and Software solution in 2019. Since then, they’ve used Primus to streamline their organization’s processes and protocols. One huge asset is the clinical workflow function, which outlines exactly what audiologists need to do, and in what order. 

This standard of care helps ensuring clinical excellence across the enterprise, onboarding new staff and helping them convert more leads into paying customers.

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"The clinical process leads to the sales process, so if we do our job like we are supposed to, we will make the client’s hearing better, and the client will buy the hearing aids. This means that if you improve your clinical process, then you will sell more hearing aids."

Lore Heylen

Lore Heylen

Audiologist and Quality Manager

What differentiates Hoorcentrum Aerts from other hearing centers is their focus on setting up clinical workflows and constantly improving service delivery in the clinics. They have implemented a workflow where everybody works the same way and completes tasks in a specific order. Each audiologist must input information into the user-friendly Measure system, indicating that they’ve completed a particular task, and if they have not completed one of the workflow steps, a written explanation is required to continue.

By following this process, they’ll provide excellent care throughout the customer journey, from asking the right questions in the initial consultation to knowing what kind of hearing aids will meet each client’s specific needs.

9 best protocols in the automated clinical workflow

This guide investigates the use of best practice protocols and how it improves customer experience and increases customer satisfaction. 

Learn more

Measure solves business challenges and boosts compliance

The Hoorcentrum Aerts team has found the Measure solution to be a valuable measurement software system. It helps the business overall by providing transparency throughout the clinics, maximizing compliance, and proving that the proper tests are conducted. Managers and clinic owners can instantly track data from each audiologist, each clinic, and across the enterprise, ensuring that important metrics are met and a benchmark of best practices outlined.

In addition to helping the business and the audiologists, this set of standards benefits their customers, who can feel comfortable that no matter which of the Hoorcentrum Aerts clinics they enter, they’ll have the proper tests, receive the best solutions, and experience consistently high-quality customer service. 

The organization’s audiologists, managers, and employees all like working with Measure, understand its benefits, and enjoy having the workflows optimized in this way. 

“We told our staff, especially the ones that were working here when our workflows were on paper, why we made the transition to Primus and what we hoped to accomplish with the new system. All our employees see it as helpful and not something that they ‘have to do’ or a system that works against them. They know it makes things go faster and more efficiently, and they can fully engage with each client and not worry about the order of the tasks to complete,” Lore explained.

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"It helps us ensure consistent quality. With Measure, if our audiologists have a client that they have questions about, they flag it with the quality department. And if managers see there is something wrong with the workflow, we can immediately ask why an audiologist didn’t do a test or why they didn’t follow the protocol."

Lore Heylen

Lore Heylen

Audiologist and Quality Manager

Elevating data collection

Hoorcentrum Aerts uses Measure to collect and analyze data, which they utilize in a variety of ways.

Standards of care
First, they can view the data segmented by the audiologist, per clinic, and across the business to track metrics and ensure standards of care. They can easily spot any deviation from the workflow and determine why an audiologist didn’t follow the predetermined processes. They can also gauge personal and clinic performance, using this data to drive business decisions.


Additionally, the staff can use the data for operations, for example, to determine the purpose of each client’s visit. They can also examine the data to determine whether patients have major hearing loss that would be helped by hearing aids and/or accessories. 


Their marketing team uses information collected through Measure to spotlight the hearing aids that audiologists are recommending and fitting in the clinics.  This helps ensure that they’re promoting top performing/top selling solutions in their campaigns. Moreover, the results they have from the REMs are shared with ENTs who then know how good a treatment their patients get.


Since insurance in Belgium requires specific data for hearing aid reimbursements, Hoorcentrum Aerts uses Measure to show ENT doctors and insurance companies that they’re doing the proper tests and ensuring compliance.

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Easy to get health insurance reimbursement

Health insurance varies by country, of course, and in Belgium, there's no public reimbursement, it's only private insurance.

In Belgium, the reimbursement process depends on clinical proof, so Hoorcentrum Aerts must demonstrate that a customer has a hearing loss and they’ve had the proper hearing testing as instructed in the insurance guidelines. If a customer needs a binaural solution, the audiologist must show that the customer hears better with two devices versus one. And the customer’s ENT doctor must sign the testing paperwork before it goes to the health insurance company for reimbursement. By using Primus, Hoorcentrum Aerts can easily provide the necessary documentation to ENT doctors and insurance companies – and demonstrate compliance – making it much more efficient for customers to get reimbursed.

Auditdata Measure Clinical Workflows

Measure boosts clinical success

The use of hardware and software like Measure boosts their clinical success. Their team works with data they secure through Measure to increase purchasing – and repurchasing – rates in the shops. For many clients, hearing is relative. They don't know exactly what they are missing until they come into the clinics and experience hearing aid demonstrations firsthand. The Hoorcentrum Ae