What is a Real Ear Measurement (REM)

Real Ear Measurements (REM) are exactly what they sound like – measurements taken in a patient's ear in real-time. Real ear testing is used to assess hearing aid function in the ear canal. Often, REM is used during a hearing aid fitting to ensure appropriate and individualized hearing aid programming. 

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Why Perform Real Ear Measurements for Hearing Aid Fittings?

Real ear measurements increase customer satisfaction and clinic efficiency by taking the guesswork out of hearing aid fittings.  Providing each individual client optimal gain and frequency response when programming new hearing aids ensures a more comfortable listening experience, improved speech quality, and overall intelligibility.  

REM For Success

Reduce the number of return visits

By fitting the hearing aids properly, the first time, customers will need less fine-tuning down the road, which means fewer return visits, follow-up appointments, and troubleshooting. This boosts efficiency and improves bottom lines.  

Increase customer satisfaction

Real ear testing delivers true customer satisfaction, which enhances a practice’s reputation while reducing the time and expenses associated with multiple return visits and returns. Increased customer satisfaction leads to patient loyalty and an increase in the number of referrals.  

Reduce hearing aid return rate

All available evidence shows that customers are happier with their hearing aids – and their audiology providers – when they’re fitted using real ear testing. Satisfied customers mean fewer hearing aid returns, which translates to more profitable businesses.  

Increase customer referrals

Happy and satisfied customers are more likely to recommend friends and family to a business. Leads from customer referrals are usually high quality and often have an increased purchase intent. 

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Everything You Need to know about Real Ear Measurements 

This guide will explain why REM is crucial in modern audiology and dispel the misconceptions that may cause hearing care professionals to avoid this test. We will also discuss the process for real ear measures, the benefits of this approach, and ideas to use REM in your hearing clinics to set your business apart.  

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How to perform Real Ear Measurements

Step 1

Prepare the patient

  • Perform an otoscopy to check for any contraindications like ear wax, perforated ear drum, or discharge. Place the patient in front of the REM speaker at a distance of 80 to 100 cm. 
  • Calibrate the REM probe tubes by holding the REM headset in front of the speaker and running the calibration in the Measure software. Anomalies in the probe tube frequency response may indicate a blocked or broken probe tube. 
  • Insert the probe tube into the ear canal of the patient. Typically, the insertion depth is between 28 and 30 mm. The Measure REM probe tube has an adjustable marker that helps you place the tube optimally.